Bekah Shaffer
Speaker and Story Sculptor

This week we learned that as ambassadors for Christ, we have His authority and can live in that confidence!

Though being Christ's ambassador requires work - it also requires stillness! We talked about how we can know Christ in the stillness.

While our church is under construction, we are meeting temporarily in the gym of a Christian school. For my first week to speak here, we talked about how we are sojourners - on earth and as a congregation - and we walk on with Christ!

This was our final Sunday to be in this sanctuary prior to construction projects. We talked about prayer and ended the morning with writing specific prayers for the future of our church.

On this Sunday, we talked about the importance of knowing Who and what we believe and inviting others to believe too! B = Believe!

At the end of our service, we shared communion together as a congregation. We remembered Christ's sacrifice and proclaimed our belief publicly!

This week we talked about "The Messy Middle" - based on the account in Scripture of the paralyzed man lowering through the roof before Jesus!

Ryan was my Scripture reader for my first Sunday at Pleasant Dale Church for the summer series!

Week 1 of a 10 week series on what it means to be Christ's Ambassador. A = Adventure!